You said that you could let it go

Oh tonight is rough and this song has always gotten to me pretty well.

Despite everything falling to pieces around me as I tried to solve the puzzle.. she makes me feel incredibly special. The verse by Kimbra really affects me deeply because.. I wasn’t the best girlfriend with T. I had a lot of anxiety problems and freaked out often at things like her staying out late with guys. Maybe if she actually listened to me like M listens to him, I wouldn’t be single at this time.

It hurts because I blame myself for that. For most things really. Now I just want to calm the hell down so that I can hang out with my favorite people without making their boyfriends mad or sad or whatever boyfriends do. I don’t know much about those things.

It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to

Why do I even care if T told me happy birthday before she did… She surprised me last year and I’m still holding my breathe.. and fighting my urge for pizza… and failing. I wonder if I piss her off… or could she find it romantic too? I’ve never feel like this before.

I want to learn how to make videos like this:

I wouldn’t dare tell anyone else that I downloaded Premiere… and stared at it for a minute. It was almost as overwhelming. How did this happen?

It amazes me – how the mind works. How do is it that over 10 years after I graduated, I start thinking about how he was moved into my algebra I class half way through the year in 7th grade with a bunch of other guys. Our class was all female before that. That was the first time he interrupted my energy.. They sat in the back at this long table. Why do I think about these things?

Internal battles are something else. I try to stay away from lifehouse, since, you know, I don’t want to get beat up – but it’s pretty much how I feel today. The only thing that I want to do is spend time with her.

Well, how can I forget you, girl?

As I walked back to my bedroom from the kitchen, the pumpkin caught my eye.  We bought pumpkins to carve back in October when we were having a good moment.  She had to go out of state and there they sat waiting to be carved.  The one I bought was bigger, something happened to it and it started to rot around Christmas.  I haven’t really gone near it in a while, but there’s a pumpkin sitting in there.  Interestingly enough, now that I write about it, I am reminded of a pumpkin that I had in Kyle under similar circumstances.   It would probably even appear in the background of photos I had taken at the time.  There are too many similarities between the two ladies who have caught my attention, right now to the way they disappeared so gracefully from my life after making it such a wonderful place.