How much more can I take?

On top of everything else, my father has a tooth infection. It was hurting him last night when he was driving the bus, this morning, he started passing out multiple times and waking up on the ground. He texted me at work to tell me and I called my brother to go out there. He took him to the dentist and got 4 teeth pulled but keeps passing out all the time. My brother throught that he died once and was going to pull him out of the car and start doing CPR on him. I am terrified but now my brother wants me to go out to his house to watch him because he doesn’t think he should be alone.

One year ago today, I visited my grandmother in the hospital and tried to stay strong. She was perfecting fine compared to todays standards. I am terrified to know what next year will look like.

I just shouldn’t think anymore tonight ’cause

Today makes 2 years from when – when.. when my world changed and I stopped trusting men completely. A former roommate’s trial is already over. He is spending 60 years in prison but it doesn’t make it any better and it doesn’t help my deep level of fear of people that I thought I once trusted.

It’s still hard to talk about. I see her sons often. One is still in high school, the other is in college and her daughter that saw it all happen and called the police is off in some other state with a father she barely knows – life is fucking hard and when I can’t calm down and I am ready to do whatever it takes there is a deep seeded reason that I can’t even fully talk about 2 years later.

I also ask myself why I looked at that bullet hole in the fence – that story is a really rough one for me.

Something happened last Sunday after I tried to go to this place again. It was quite devastating and it made last week the longest ever. Now I am panicked and afraid on a level that I can not even talk about because I can’t verbalize it nearly for superstitious reasons but I just can’t let certain works leave my being. I am so scared and questioning what the right things is – I am well aware of my limitations but that just keep me at a distance for her.

Can I survive all the implications

The challenge is to think about the opportunity cost when I start to feel like I should fight back, say something… stand up for myself.

But I consider how she must feel – and I stop myself every time.

There’s a line in the song that reminds me of something that her friend said the night that we were at the bar together. It gave me a lump in my throat and I had to walk away – that’s generally when I excuse myself to go to the restroom. I can’t handle a lot of things well…